
PI.lab Quarterly event

Digital Identity symposium
1 November 2019; Boothstraat 7, Utrecht
Register for free via info@pilab.nl

The second thematically oriented quarterly PI.lab event will be dedicated to Digital Identity. Three PI.lab researchers will present their view on the topic, in addition to two guests of honour. Registring is free; send an email to info@pilab.nl to register.






Bart van der Sloot (PI.lab)



Simone van der Hof (UL)

Framing citizen’s identities revisited: in 2009 we finished a study on the construction of personal identities in digital government. Ten years on: to what extent do our findings still stand given current developments in digital data-driven government?





Job Spierings (Waag)

Digital Identity Lab: a social dialogue on invisible infrastructure? There’s a huge need for a digital “identity” that is accessible and understandable. But technology is inherently complicated and autonomy requires a certain level of understanding and agency. How can we balance those (and other) conflicting requirements? Who decides, and why? An update on the learnings from the projects Decode & Digitale Identiteitslab.





Oskar van Deventer (TNO)

Self Sovereign Identity (SSI): This presentation shows how verifiable credentials can be used in interactions between patient, doctor, pharmacist and insurer, each switching roles between “issuer”, “holder” and “verifier”. The presentation will look into developing SSI standards from W3C Credentials Community Group, DIF, Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries, and SSI infrastructure service, most notably Sovrin.





Marjolein Lanzing (RU)

Empowerment: Commercial self-tracking technologies promise to empower us. But, can they really strengthen our autonomy when they commodify our data and steer our behaviour at the same time? In my dissertation I explore how commercial self-tracking technologies reshape our social relationships and the way we understand ourselves and what this means for living an autonomous and flourishing life.




Esther Keymolen (TILT)

What does it mean to be a smart city citizen? Cities are becoming smart. Data-driven applications are implemented to ensure safety and facilitate a smooth city life. This talk will explore how these smart city applications impact some of the core aspects of being a citizen. How do we interact with strangers, build trust, and participate in a public environment that is increasingly datafied?








PI.lab Quarterly event

Data and Truth symposium
26 April 2019; Boothstraat 7, Utrecht
Register for free via info@pilab.nl

As governmental organisations and businesses rely more and more on data, the relationships and tensions between the data-reality and the physical-reality become quintessential. Both may diverge, while the data-reality increasingly determines who we are, what our options are and how we are perceived by others. But what is true, who determines that and what are the consequences of the fact that relationships are constantly mediated? Computer says no, but why? Should you be able to erase your past using the right to be forgotten, or is that falsifying history? And can you escape your own profile when the police, tax authorities, insurers and banks alike use statistical correlations and probabilistic predictions to organise their conduct? These are the questions that will be central to our next PI.lab event.

12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-13.10: Bart van der Sloot: Welcome
13.10-13.40: Anna Poletti: We are the inscribers and the inscribed: thinking privacy and identity through autobiography studies
Trained in literary studies and philosophy at La Trobe and Newcastle Universities in Australia, Anna's research focus is contemporary forms of life narrative, with a particular interest in youth cultures, ephemera (both digital and analogue) and the role of mediation and materiality in autobiography. Drawing on feminist and queer theory traditions, Anna's published work examines how the materiality of media forms - from handmade postcards, to the selfie - inform the presentation of stories from lived experience. She has expertise in research methods that engage with ephemeral materials, queer and feminist theory, and comparative media studies. In her presentation, she discuss the insights contained in her forthcoming book.
13.40-14.00 Discussion

14.00-14.45: Rein Jelle Terpstra: Reality, media and perception
In his work, he constantly challenges the role of the medium itself, its impact on memory and perception and the relationship between the photographer and the photographed. In his work, Looking at the seeing, Terpstra asks how much of what we see is determined by how we look, and to what extent our knowledge and imagination influence what we see. His project Retracing is a wider investigation into perception, memory, photography, and the absence of image, as is his project After Images. And in his most recent project, he turns the camera, from the life event everyone is watching, to the audience.
14.45-15.00: Discussion
15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-15.45: Paulan Korenhof: Memory, knowledge and technology
During her research, Paulan has built up a keen and critical interest in the industrialization of "our" online collective memory, and more particular in the social effects of interface design and control, as well as in the implications that the current praxis of the "internet giants" has on power and knowledge (in)balances. Her main goal is to (help) build bridges between theory and practice in order to make sure that technology works for us, and not the other way around. In her presentation, she will explain the role of the internet and other technologies and their relation to knowledge, memory and power.
15.45-16.00: Discussion
16.00-16.30: Stephan Raaijmakers: Humans, AI and information quality
Stephan Raaijmakers (PhD in AI-based natural language processing) is working on Explainable AI at TNO, with a particular focus on communicative, interactive AI. In his presentation, he will outline different divisions of labor between humans and (deep learning-based) AI that enhance the quality and reliability of both information and AI. Cases will be presented from domains like security and health. How can humans play an active and sustainable role in the current AI transition and contribute to better information and AI? Which requirements apply to AI for facilitating humans in this role?
16.30-16.45: Discussion

16.45-17.15: Sascha van Schendel: Group profiles and Predictive Policing
As an expert in her field, Sascha specializes in human rights protection against Big Data use of governmental actors. Her PhD research deals with Big Data analytics by law enforcement agencies and issues of transparency. In her presentation, she will discuss the use of group profiles and predictive profiles for predictive policing, engaging with examples from the United States of America. In addition, she will explain what the current legal framework is for predictive policing taking into account the General Data Protection Regulation, the Law Enforcement Directive, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and other documents.
17.15-17.30: Discussion
17.30-18.30: Drinks

PI.lab Quarterly Event

Blockchain and privacy

Date: 22 November 2018

Location: Zaalverhuur7 - Boothstraat 7 - 3512 BT Utrecht

Registration: Entrance is free for all

Please, register by sending an email to info@pilab.nl (Irma Haerkens)

13.00-13.10: Bart van der Sloot - Welcome

13.10-13.30: Mireille Hildebrandt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Radboud Universiteit)

Mireille Hildebrandt will briefly discuss a set of myths that are often framed as ‘innate' properties of blockchain applications, notably the idea of an egalitarian consensus mechanism, of ‘innate’ immutability and irreversibility, the idea of trestles computing and the notions of publicness and transparency. She will then argue that for each concrete application a triple test must be conducted: (1) which problem is solved (compared to status quo and alternative solutions), (2) which problem is not solved (idem), and (3) which problem is created (idem). She will conclude with a brief discussion of design-based regulation and ‘legal protection by design’.

13.30-13.50 Discussion

13.50-14.10: Jaap-Henk Hoepman (Radboud Universiteit )

"The blockchain dissected" What are blockchains/distributed ledgers? How do they work? And what are their (claimed) properties? We will dissect the blockchain and address these questions. We will pinpoint certain fundamental pitfalls surrounding blockchain technologies, and ask ourself the question: is there any use for them?

14.10-14.30: Discussion

14.30-14.45: Break

14.45-15.05: Maarten Everts (TNO)

Smart contract says No - Smart contracts are hyped to take on the role of incorruptible, trustable third parties. However, the “immutability” that makes this possible also means that mistakes in smart contracts can have a significant impact. How are smart contracts different from “normal” software? What are the dangers? Is it possible to keep the human in the loop?

15.05-15.25: Discussion

15.25-15.45: Michelle Finck   (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition)

The paper examines smart contracts from the perspective of Article 22 GPDR. It suggests that smart contracts likely qualify as a form of solely automated data processing and are hence caught by the qualified prohibition under Article 22 GDPR. It then evaluates the consequences flowing from that state of affairs and suggests that current efforts of sophisticating these tools may have a side-effect of GDPR compliance'.

15.45-16.05: Discussion

16.05-16.20: Break

16.20-16.40: Maurice Schellekens  (Tilburg University)

‘Asking the right question(s) about blockchain: does the law actually regulate technology?’


16.40-17.00: Discussion

17.00-17.30: General debate

17.30-18.30 Drinks

PI.lab Quarterly Event

Researchers Day

Date: Friday 28 September 2018

Time: 14.00 – 17.00 (drinks afterwards)

Location: TNO, New Babylon, Anna van Buerenplein 1, zaal 06.008

Registration: send an email to Ms Irma Haerkens, info@pilab.nl

This Quarterly Event is dedicated to the research done by PI.lab researchers. The event is meant to inform your fellow researchers on the research you are presently working on. You can inspire, inform and interact with your colleagues. Research can be on-going, finished or just started.

At this point in time (Friday September 7th) we still have a few open slots. Please, do not hesitate and inform us ASAP about your intentions to present your work.


14.00 – 14.15: Introduction; information about on-going activities of the PI.lab

14.15 – 14.45: Tjerk Timan (TNO). “Responsible Research & Innovation in AI and data analytics             for public services – showcasing some recent projects.”

14.45 – 15.15: Hadi Asghari (TUDelft). “Tracking Cookies in the European Union, an Empirical Analysis of the Current Situation.”

15.15 – 15.45: Break

15.45 – 16.15: Raphael Gellert (TILT). "Data protection, algorithmic regulation, and notions of information: a conceptual exploration".

16.15 – 16.45: Open time slot

16.45 – 17.00: Wrap up

17.00 - …: Drinks

PI.lab Quarterly event

Prospects and limitation of responsible machine learning

Date: Friday 29 June 2018

Time: 13.00 – 16.00 (drinks afterwards)

Location: Huygensgebouw Nijmegen (room HG00.108 – ground floor)

Registration: send an email to Ms Irma Haerkens, info@pilab.nl

The first thematically oriented quarterly PI.lab event will be dedicated to Responsible Machine Learning. Three PI.lab researchers will present their view on the topic. The presentations will be used to investigate the role the PI.lab could play or the items the PI.lab could/should address.


13.00 – 13.10: Introduction to Quarterly Event and theme

13.10 – 13.50: Presentation and discussion Dr. Cor Veenman (‘Responsible Data Science’)

14.00 – 14.40: Presentation and discussion Prof.dr. Arjen de Vries (‘Quantifying Bias in Search Engines and Beyond’)

14.50 – 15.30: Presentation and discussion Emre Bayamlioglu (‘A Rule based Modelling of Automated Decisions’)

15.30 – 16.00: General discussion

16.00 - …: Drinks

See Paper by Emre on Rule based modeling

See Paper suggestion by Arjen on Bias in big data

See Video suggestion by Arjen on Bias in big data

PI.lab Quarterly event

April 23, 2018, TILT - Tilburg

The first PI.lab Quarterly of 2018 was held 23 April 2018.

Quriine Eijkman: expert in human rights and contraterrorisme - lector in access to justice. Gave a presentation on the new law regulating the intelligence agencies in the Netherlands


Kelly & Vicky Breemen: Presented their research project on cultural heritage, minority expression and identity management.


Karine e Sila: Presented her work on cyber-vigilantism.


Marc van Lieshout: Presented the plans for PI.lab.




14.00-14.05 Opening

14.05-14.25 Presentation Qurine Eijkman

14.25-14.45 Discussion

14.45-15.05 Presentation Kelly & Vicky Breemen

15.05-15.25 Discussion

15.25-15.30 Break

15.30-15.55 Presentation Karine e Silva

15.55-16.15 Discussion

16.15-16.40 Presentation Marc van Lieshout

16.40-17.00 Discussion

17.00-18.00 Drinks!

PI.lab Quarterly event

September 27, 2017, TILT - Tilburg

The third PI.lab Quarterly event will be held Wednesday 27 September 2017. The programme shows three internal speaker and one external speaker. 

Eelco Herder recently joined the Radboud University. He will introduce himself and his research.

Check http://pilab.nl/members/herder.html for details. Who told you that?" - Transparency and control for privacy-aware personalization. Click here to download the presentation.


Linnet Taylor (http://pilab.nl/members/taylor.html) from TILT will also give a presentation. She has won a prestigious grant and will inform you what she and her team of researchers will be doing the next few years. The title of her presentation is: ‘What is data justice? The case for connecting digital rights and freedoms globally’. Click here to download the presentation.


Jan Willem Streefkerk fromTNO will present the results of a recent study on consumer’s privacy attitudes and their willingness to share data. Click here to download the presentation.


Finally, we have a special guest in the form of Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius. He currently works at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, and has won a grant to do research on profiling in Brussels. Click here to download the presentation.




14.00-14.05 Opening

14.05-14.25 Presentation Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

14.25-14.45 Discussion

14.45-15.05 Presentation Eelco Herder

15.05-15.25 Discussion

15.25-15.30 Break

15.30-15.55 Presentation Jan Willem Streefkerk

15.55-16.15 Discussion

16.15-16.40 Presentation Linnet Taylor

16.40-17.00 Discussion

17.00-18.00 Drinks!

PI.lab Quarterly event

May 31, 2017, Radboud University - Nijmegen

Jean Popma (RU) presented thoughts on how to apply Privacy by Design in practice. You can find her presentation here

Thymen Wabeke (TNO) presented ways to apply  homomorphic encryption to data analytic. Click here to download her presentation.

Tjerk Timan (TILT) gave a presentation on the main findings of the Lorentz workshop. Click here to download her presentation.

The event was well visited by some 25 researchers of the three participating institutes.

PI.lab Quarterly event

March 3, 2017, TNO - The Hague

Programme: click here

Guest speaker of the event is Zekeriya Erkin, assistant professor at the TUDelft. He presented his view on possibilities to effectively secure data by using homomorphic encryption a a smanner to promote Privacy by Design. You can find his presentation here.

Somayeh Djafari (TNO) presented a privacy framework that has been developed by TNO, called RESPECT4U. You can find her presentation here

Sascha van Schendel (TILT) has studied how various countries tackle the regulation of big data and will share her first results. Click here to download her presentation.

Marc van Lieshout and Jaap-Henk Hoepman have integrated their ideas about the activities of the PI.lab in 2017 in a business plan and are anxious to know what you think of their ambitions. You can find their presentation here

The event was well visited by some 25 researchers of the three participating institutes.

The next event will take place Wednesday May 31 at the Radboud University.