IRMA – I Reveal My Attributes
Digital attributes are properties that some authority states about you. It can be your age, your bank account number, or your right for some discount at a shop. What is new about these attributes is that you can carry these data items on one smart card conveniently and still disclose them independently.
The IRMA project develops the technology that allows to store and process these credentials on a contactless smartcard, and to use this IRMA card in online and offline scenarios. To this end, IRMA apps have been developed that allow NFC enabled devices like tablets and smartphones to communicate with the IRMA card.
Project members
Bart Jacobs Jaap-Henk Hoepman Wouter Lueks Ronny Wichers Schreur Maarten Everts
Additional information
Contact (project leaders): Bart Jacobs, Jaap-Henk Hoepman Funded by NLnet Foundation, Open Ticketing Institute, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Timeframe: ongoing (started 1 September 2012)