Cyber-secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids
The progressive penetration of conventional and renewable distributed generation is driving major changes in power systems infrastructure, justifying the introduction of more intelligence, in particular in power distribution networks. The information infrastructure will play a central role as future power systems cannot be supported by centralized information infrastructures on which today’s power systems rely.
In this context the C-DAX project proposes a Cyber-secure DAta and Control Cloud for future power distribution networks as an integrated communication and information infrastructure. C-DAX exploits the properties of novel, information-centric networking (ICN) architectures that are by design more secure, resilient, scalable, and flexible than conventional information systems. C-DAX will be tailored to the specific needs of smart grids for efficient support of massive integration of renewables and a heterogeneous set of co-existing smart grid applications.
Realistic and pertinent use cases from different domains (low voltage, medium voltage, and trading) will be used to guide the design and provide validation criteria.
Further, C-DAX will provide added value to current protocols and data models used within the power systems domain for monitoring and control purposes (e.g. IEC 61850, IEEE C37.118, etc.). C-DAX concepts will be proposed for standardisation (i.e. M490, IEC TC57, ETSI M2M, Cigre, IETF) and industry interest groups.
Project members
Bárbara De Sousa Vieira Erik Poll