
Thijs Veugen

I'm a senior scientist at TNO, working on applied cryptography. You will find me in the Cryptology group of CWI each Friday. My goal is to show society the beauty of secure multi-party computation, and all the nice applications it has.

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For a full list of publications, click here.

Selected publications:


de Ridder, F, Neumann, N, Veugen, P.J.M, & Kooij, R.E. (2019). A quantum algorithm for minimising the effective graph resistance upon edge addition. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 63–73). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-14082-3_6


Nateghizad, M, Veugen, P.J.M, Erkin, Z, & Lagendijk, R.L. (2018). Secure equality testing protocols in the two-party setting. In ARES 2018: International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. doi:10.1145/3230833.3230866

Veeningen, M, Chatterjea, S, Horváth, A.Z, Spindler, G, Boersma, E, van der Spek, P, … Veugen, P.J.M. (2018). Enabling analytics on sensitive medical data with secure multi-party computation. In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (pp. 76–80). doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-852-5-76


Improved privacy of dynamic group services

T Veugen, J Doumen, Z Erkin, G Pellegrino, S Verwer, J Weber

EURASIP Journal on Information Security 2017 (1), 3


Veugen T. Client-Server framework for Securely Outsourcing Computations. ERCIM News. 2016;106.

A. Sunil B, Erkin Z, Veugen T. Secure matching of Dutch car license plates. In: Eusipco. Eusipco. Budapest, Hungary; 2016.Google Scholar BibTex Tagged XML

Veugen T. Proof of the Median Paths. In: 37th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. 37th WIC Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. Université catholique de Louvain; 2016.

Mast D. A Framework for the Implementation and Comparison of Authenticated Data Structures. Intelligent Systems. 2016;


Mast D. Cryptographic Solutions for Security and Privacy Issues in the Cloud. Intelligent Systems. 2015

Veugen T, Blom F, de Hoogh S, Erkin Z. Secure Comparison Protocols in the Semi-Honest Model. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2015;9(7 (Special issue on Signal and Information Processing for Privacy).

A. Sunil B. Secure License Plate Matching using Homomorphic Encryption. Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems. 2015;MSc:63.

Veugen T, Erkin Z. Content-Based Recommendations With Approximate Integer Division. IEEE ICASSP. 2015.Google Scholar BibTex Tagged XML

Veugen T, de Haan R, Cramer R, Muller F. A Framework for Secure Computations With Two Non-Colluding Servers and Multiple Clients, Applied to Recommendations. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2015;10(3).

Veugen T. Linear Round Bit-Decomposition of Secret-Shared Values. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 2015;10(3).


Erkin Z, Veugen T. Privacy Enhanced Personal Services for Smart Grids. SEGS 14: Smart Energy Grid Security Workshop. 2014:7-12.

Veugen T. Encrypted integer division and secure comparison. International Journal of Applied Cryptography. 2014;3(2).



