
Mara Paun is a PhD researcher at Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, working on mechanisms for legal protection against information-induced harms within the INFO-LEG project. She obtained LLB in International and European Law from the University of Groningen in 2015, followed by an LLM in Law and Technology (cum laude) in 2016 from Tilburg University, specializing in data protection, biotechnology and IP. Subsequently, she worked as a researcher in the Study on Anti-doping and Data Protection, led by TILT (2016-2017), which resulted in several publications, and a research assistant working with Prof. Eleni Kosta within her VENI project on privacy and surveillance (2017).

Personal website:


Review of the book Data and Goliath: The hidden battles to collect your data and control your world, B. Schneier, 2015Paun, M., 23 Mar 2018, In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 10, 1, p. 153-159 7 p.

Sloot, B. van der, Paun, M.A., & Leenes, R.E. (2017). De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 1- de anti-doping wereld. Privacy & Informatie, 2017-1

Sloot, B. van der, Paun, M.A., & Leenes, R.E. (2017). De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 2. Privacy & Informatie, 2017-3

Sloot, B. van der, Paun, M.A., & Leenes, R.E. (2017). De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 3. Privacy & Informatie

Sloot, B. van der, Paun, M.A., Leenes, R.E., McNally, P., & Ypma, P. (2017). Final report anti-doping.: European Commission.

Paun, M.A. (2016). The privacy law sourcebook 2016: Unites States law, international law and recent developments by Marc Rotenberg. European Data Protection Law Review, , 608-609.

Paun, Book Review, European DAta Proteciton Law Review, 2016/4.


Paun, Big Data, P&ILab conference, 2016.

