


Data protection certification mechanisms: Study on Articles 42 and 43 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Kamara, I.Leenes, R.Lachaud, E.Stuurman, C., Van Lieshout, M. & Bodea, G., 2019, 1 ed. Brussels: European Commission - DG Justice & Consumers. 255 p.

Improving privacy choice through design: How designing for reflection could support privacy self-management

Terpstra, A.Schouten, A.de Rooij, A. & Leenes, R., 1 Jul 2019, In : First Monday. 24, 7, p. 1-13 13 p.

Of horses and other animals of cyberspace

Leenes, R., 13 May 2019, In : Technology and Regulation. 2019, p. 1-9 9 p.

Regulating new technologies in times of change

Leenes, R., 31 Mar 2019, Regulating New Technologies in Uncertain Times. Reins, L. (ed.). Heidelberg: TMC Asser Press | Springer, p. 3-17 15 p. (Information Technology and Law Series ; vol. 2019, no. 32).


Artificial intelligence and privacy: AI enters the house through the cloud

de Conca, S. & Leenes, R., Dec 2018, Research handbook on the law of artificial intelligence. Barfield, W. & Pagallo, U. (eds.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, p. 280-306 27 p.

Data protection and privacy: The internet of bodies

Leenes, R. (ed.), van Brakel, R. (ed.), Gutwirth, S. (ed.) & de Hert, P. (ed.), Dec 2018, 1 ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing. 344 p.(Computers, Privacy and Data Protection)

Samantha Adams festschrift: The dot at the end of the funnel-TILT remembers Samantha Adams

Pierce, R.Berti Suman, A.Koops, B-J. & Leenes, R., 2018, In : Applied Clinical Informatics. 9, 3, p. 490-492 3 p

The competitive order for the new economy: Lessons from the telecommunications experience

Trubnikov, D., 2018, 233 p.

The 'rule of law' implications of data-driven decision-making: A techno-regulatory perspective

Bayamlioglu, E. & Leenes, R., 5 Dec 2018, In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 10, 2, p. 295-313 19 p.

Regulatory challenges of robotics: Some guidelines for addressing legal and ethical issues

Leenes, R., Palmerini, E., Koops, B-J., Bertolini, A., Salvini, P. & Lucivero, F. 15 May 2017 In : Law, Innovation and Technology. 9, 1, p. 1-44 44 p.

Data protection and privacy: (In)visibilities and infrastructures

Leenes, R., van Brakel, R., Gutwirth, S. & de Hert, P. 23 Mar 2017 Dordrecht: Springer. 295 p. (Issues in Privacy and Data Protection; vol. 36, no. 1)

De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 1- de anti-doping wereld

van der Sloot, B., Paun, M. & Leenes, R. 2017 In : Privacy & Informatie. 2017-1

De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 2

van der Sloot, B., Paun, M. & Leenes, R. 2017 In : Privacy en informatie. 2017-3

De Wet uitvoering antidopingbeleid: De gespannen relatie tussen anti-dopingmaatregelen en gegevensbescherming, deel 3

van der Sloot, B., Paun, M. & Leenes, R. 2017 In : Privacy & Informatie.

Digitale empowerment van de demos: Een onderzoek naar aansprekende e-democracy innovaties

van Hulst, M., Cuijpers, C., Hendriks, F., Metze, T., Leenes, R. & Hoekzema, D. 2017 Dan Haag: Ministerie van BZK. 84 p.

Final report anti-doping

van der Sloot, B., Paun, M., Leenes, R., McNally, P. & Ypma, P. 2017 European Commission.

Leenes, Ronald (2016). De voorspellende overheid: Transparantie is noodzakelijk, maar hoe? Bestuurskunde, 2016(1), 38-43.

Husovec, Martin, & Leenes, Ronald (2016). Study on the role of intermediaries - Summary of the public consultation.: European Commission.

Leenes, Ronald (2015, December 11). The Cookiewars: From regulatory failure to user empowerment? In Marc van Lieshout & Jaap-Henk Hoepman (Eds.), The Privacy & Identity Lab: 4 years later (pp. 31-49). Nijmegen: The Privacy & Identity Lab.

Adams, Samantha, Brokx, Marlou, Dalla Corte, Lorenzo, Galic, M., Kala, Kaspar, Koops, Bert Jaap, Leenes, Ronald, Schellekens, Maurice, E Silva, Karine, & Skorvánek, Ivan (2015). The governance of cybersecurity: A comparative quick scan of approaches in Canada, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.: Tilburg University.

Leenes, R.E., & Lucivero, F. (2015). Laws on Robots, Laws by Robots, Laws in Robots: Regulating Robot Behaviour by Design. Law, Innovation and Technology, 6(2), 194-222.


Tallinn (Estonia), Too close to my skin, tracking and facial recognition in social media, 10 Jan 2013.

Amsterdam, Function creep in the private sector, APC2012 conference, 10 Oct 2012.

Alphen aan den Rijn, Stop en denk na, Vrienden van Bobbenhage, 11 Oct 2012.

Groningen, "Framing techno-regulation - on being caught between persuasion and discipline", 7 Dec 2011.

Utrecht, "Privacy online - tja?", JSVU congres, Utrecht, 18 november 2011.

Den Haag, "Synergie - Privacy & Identity lab", ECP-EPN jaarcongres, Scheveningen, 17 november 2011.

Amsterdam, "Gezichtsherkenning - vluchten kan niet meer". NNvIR jaarvergadering, Amsterdam, 17 november 2011.

Amsterdam, "The Convergence: How We Help Build the Surveillance Society", LiSS working group 2/DigIDeas project workshop happening in Amsterdam November 7-9

The Hague, "national eID in the Netherlands - transparent citizens or privacy first?", Identity-Next 2011, the Hague, 9 November 2011.

Paris, "Putting the horse behind the wagon? Personal data management, user-control, trust and privacy", The Future of European Electronic Identity Management, Digital Enlightenment Forum, 31 October 2011.

Chicago, 'Who Needs Facebook or Google+ Anyway - Privacy and Sociality in Social Network Sites',  Seventh ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM 2011), 21 October 2011. http://www.nttmcl.com/dim2011/

Ghent, 'Who needs Facebook anyway: privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites'  at the 12th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security - CMS 2011 in Ghent, Belgium (http://www.cms2011.net/program.shtml), 19 October 2011.

Utrecht, The implications for security and crime of converging technologies in a workshop on 'Technology, innovation, and subversion' organised by the public prosecutor's office, 13 October 2011.

Tilburg, 'Cheating with implants', presented at the conference Technologies on the stand ? Legal and ethical issues of neuroscience and robotics, Tilburg 11 April, 2011.

Utrecht, 'Privacy in de wolken, een wazig onderwerp?', SURF Academy, 24 March 2011.

Amersfoort, 'Location based surveillance', presented at the TLS science forum, 9 March 2011.

The Hague, 'Privacy in de wolken, een wazig onderwerp?', SURF IBO conferentie, 10 February 2011.

The Hague, 'Techno regulation, discipline by any other name?', presented at the workshop 'Regulation by Technology', Academie voor wetgeving, 4 February 2011.

Eindhoven, 'Privacy in de wolken, een wazig onderwerp?', Getronics Cloud Innovation Board Eindhoven, 20 January 2011.

Nijmegen, 'Who needs Facebook anyway? privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites', invited keynote at the WISSEC 2010 conference, 29 November 2010.

Den Haag, Regulering door technologie, voor de Academie voor Wetgeving, 15 dec 2010.

Nijmegen, Who needs Facebook anyway: Privacy and Sociability in social network sites, 5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security, 29 Nov 2010.

Sophia Antipolis, Clique in 10 minutes, Smart University, Sophia Antipolis, 21 Sep 2010.

Barcelona, 'Privacy in the Cloud, a Misty Topic?', 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference,  Open University of Catalonia, School of Law and Political Science, and held in Barcelona, Spain, on July 7th and 8th, 2010

Delft, 'Sociale netwerken die voldoen aan normen', ECP-EPN seminar 'Identiteitsmanagement: kostbaar vertrouwen', 17 June 2010.

Tilburg, dagvoorzitter (11 mei) van het Landelijk


Other activities


member of the Scientific Technical Committee of SURF (Wetenschappelijk Technische Raad SURF)

member of the editorial committee of Law, Innovation and Technology

Secretary of the Jurix Foundation, May 2000 - Feb 2004.

Board member of the Jurix Foundation.

Senior researcher of the Netherlands Institute for Governance (NIG).

Reviewer for the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO)

Reviewer for the Flemish Federal Scientific Council, 2005

PC member/Reviewer of numerous international conferences, such as:

Seventh ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM 2011)

CPDP - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conferences, annually held in Brussels

IFIP SEC 2010, 20-23 Sept 2010, Brisbane - Security & Privacy ? Silver Linings in the Cloud


ISGIG 2009 - the Internet of the Future

IFIP/FIDIS/PrimeLife Summerschools, 2009, 2008, 2007




KMGov 2004, 2003

Dexa 2004, 2003

IRMA 2004, 2003

Prof.dr. Ronald Leenes (1964) is full professor in regulation by technology at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (Tilburg University). His primary research interests are regulation by (and of) technology, specifically related to privacy and identity management. He is also motivated and trying to understand the effects of  profiling, function creep and privacy infringements in general. 

He currently leads different research teams in the fields of accountability in cloud computing, legal and ethical aspects of robotic technologies, and privacy-enhancing identity management. He is also involved in research in profiling, privacy accidents in the public sector, cyber security, e-government and function creep.

Personal website: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/webwijs/show/r.e.leenes/