Most recent publications
Computercriminaliteit in historisch perspectief
Koops, B-J. & Kaspersen, H. W. K., 2019, Strafrecht en ICT. Koops, B-J. & Oerlemans, J-J. (eds.). 3 ed. Den Haag: SDU, p. 15-28 14 p.
Koops, B-J., 2019, Strafrecht en ICT. Koops, B-J. & Oerlemans, J-J. (eds.). 3 ed. Den Haag: SDU, p. 117-208 92 p.
Willemsen, C. H. J., 2019, 416 p.
Willemsen, C., 1 May 2019, (Submitted) Tilburg: Global Academic Press. 416 p.
Schermer, B. W., Georgieva, I., Van der Hof, S. & Koops, B-J., 2019, Sweetie 2.0: Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight Webcam Child Sex Tourism. Van der Hof, S., Georgieva, I., Schermer, B. & Koops, B-J. (eds.). The Hague: TMC Asser Press | Springer, p. 1-94 (Information Technology and Law Series; vol. 31).
Location tracking by police: The regulation of “tireless and absolute surveillance”
Koops, B-J., Newell, B. & Skorvánek, I., 1 Mar 2019, In : UC Irvine Law Review. 9, 3, p. 635-698 64 p.
Koops, B-J. & Oerlemans, J. J., 2019, Strafrecht en ICT. Koops, B-J. & Oerlemans, J-J. (eds.). 3 ed. Den Haag: SDU, p. 29-116 88 p.
Model code of conduct on mitigating botnets and infected machines
E Silva, K., Koops, B-J. & van der Sloot, B., 1 Jan 2019, Tilburg: TILT. 9 p.
Privacyconcepten voor de 21e eeuw
Koops, B-J., 2019, In : Ars Aequi. 68, 7/8, p. 532-544
Robotics and responsible research and innovation
Salvini, P., Palmerini, E. & Koops, B-J., 2019, International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource. Von Schomberg, R. & Hankins, J. (eds.). Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elger Publishing, p. 405-424
Koops, B-J. (ed.) & Oerlemans, J. J. (ed.), 2019, 3 ed. Den Haag: SDU. 254 p. (Monografieën Recht en Informatietechnologie; vol. 1)
Schermer, B. W., Koops, B-J. & Van der Hof, S., 2019, Sweetie 2.0: Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight Webcam Child Sex Tourism. Van der Hof, S., Georgieva, I., Schermer, B. & Koops, B-J. (eds.). The Hague: TMC Asser Press | Springer, p. 425-454 (Information Technology and Law Series; vol. 31).
Sweetie 2.0: Using Artificial Intelligence to Fight Webcam Child Sex Tourism
Van der Hof, S., Georgieva, I., Schermer, B. W. & Koops, B-J., 2019, T.M.C. Asser Press | Springer. 542 p. (Information Technology and Law Series; vol. 31)
Adams, S. A., E Silva, K., Koops, B-J. & van der Sloot, B., 2019, Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance. Ellis, R. & Mohan, V. (eds.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, p. 117-136
Legitimacy challenges of intermediary gatekeeping in the Chinese internet regulatory system
Wei, L., 2018, 297 p.
Koops, B-J. & Kosta, E., 2018, In : Computer Law and Security Review. 34, 4, p. 890-900 11 p.
Online gambling in the EU: From data protection to gambler protection
Pavlovic, D., 26 Jun 2018, 213 p.
Koops, B-J., 2018, In : West Virginia Law Review. 121, 2, p. 611-665 55 p.
Samantha Adams festschrift: The dot at the end of the funnel-TILT remembers Samantha Adams
Pierce, R., Berti Suman, A., Koops, B-J. & Leenes, R., 2018, In : Applied Clinical Informatics. 9, 3, p. 490-492 3 p.
Surveillance, privacy, and public space
Newell, B. (ed.), Timan, T. (ed.) & Koops, B-J. (ed.), 2018, Abingdon /New York, NY: Routledge. 250 p.
The reasonableness of remaining unobserved: A comparative analysis of visual surveillance and voyeurism in criminal lawKoops, B-J., Newell, B., Roberts, A., Skorvánek, I. & Galic, M., 2018, In : Law & Social Inquiry. 43, 4, p. 1210-1235 26
Koops, E.J., & Galic, M. (2017, July). Conceptualising space and place: Lessons from geography for the debate on privacy in public. In Tjerk Timan, Bryce Newell, & Bert-Jaap Koops (Eds.), Privacy in public space: Conceptual and regulatory challenges.: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Leenes, R.E., Palmerini, Erica, Koops, E.J., Bertolini, Andrea, Salvini, Pericle, & Lucivero, Federica (2017). Regulatory challenges of robotics: Some guidelines for addressing legal and ethical issues. Law, Innovation and Technology, 9(1), 1-44.
Koops, E.J. (2017). Privacy-related crimes in Dutch law. (TILT Law & Technology Working Paper Series)
Koops, E.J. (2017). Digitaal huisrecht. Nederlands Juristenblad, 92(3), 183-187.
Koops, E.J., Newell, Bryce Clayton, Timan, T., Skorvánek, I., Chokrevski, Tomislav, & Galic, M. (2017). A typology of privacy. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 38(2), 483-575.
•Schermer, B.W., Georgieva, Ilina, Van der Hof, Simone, & Koops, Bert-Jaap (2016). Legal Aspects of Sweetie 2.0. Leiden/Tilburg: TILT.
•Koops, Bert Jaap (2016, July 01). Megatrends and grand challenges of cybercrime and cyberterrorism policy and research. In Babak Akhgar & Ben Brewster (Eds.), Combatting cybercrime and cyberterrorism: Challenges, trends and priorities (pp. 3-15).: Springer. (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications).
•Galič, Maša, Timan, Tjerk, & Koops, Bert Jaap (2016). Bentham, Deleuze and beyond: An overview of surveillance theories from the panopticon to participation. Philosophy & Technology (pp. 1-29).
•Koops, Bert Jaap, Newell, Bryce, Timan, Tjerk, Skorvánek, Ivan, Chokrevski, Tomislav, & Galič, Maša (2016). A typology of privacy. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 38(2)
•Koops, Bert Jaap, Roosendaal, Arnold, Kosta, Eleni, Lieshout, M. van, & Oldhoff, Elaine (2016). Privacy Impact Assessment Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 20xx.: PI.lab.
For a full list, click here.
Koops, B.J. (25-11-2016), ‘Verouderde grenzen. De grote uitdagingen van digitalisering en
connectiviteit voor opsporing en vervolging’, Openbaar Ministerie (LCS), Utrecht
Koops, B.J. (2-11-2016), ‘De toekomst van je verleden’, KNAW-dispuut (samen met Barbara Visser), Amsterdam
Koops, B.J. (17-10-2016), ‘Criminal Investigation and Privacy in Dutch law. Topical technological and conceptual challenges’, 7th Dutch-Japanese Law Symposium, Kyoto
Koops, B.J. (7-10-2016), ‘Zoeken in computers. Elementen uit het Nederlandse deel van het preadvies’, jaarvergadering Nederlands-Vlaamse Vereniging voor Strafrecht, Amsterdam
Koops, B.J. (8-3-2016), ‘Privacy by design. Is it possible?’, Award Ceremony Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship Prize 2016/17, NIAS/Lorentz Center, Wassenaar
Koops, B.J. (3-7-2015), ‘Physical and online privacy: fundamental challenges for legal frameworks to remain relevant’, keynote speech, Internet Law & Politics conference 2015 “Regulating smart cities”, Barcelona
Koops, B.J. (16-4-2015), ‘Cross-border access to data. Bridging cyber-investigation needs and international law’, panel “Jurisdiction and hosting”, Global Conference on CyberSpace 2015, The Hague
Koops, B.J. & K.K. e Silva (29-1-2015), ‘Large-scale cyber-attacks: suggestions for regulatory approaches’, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, Strasbourg
Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship (NIAS/Lorentz Center) (2016/2017
Other activities
member editorial team Law, Innovation and Technology (Routledge)
member legal expert panel, Journal of Digital Investigation (Elsevier)
member advisory board Monografieën Recht en Informatietechnologie (Sdu)
member Advisory Board Bits of Freedom
member Advisory Board Dutch Platform for Information Security
Current Projects
No Place in Legal Protection. Finding a new paradigm to protect citizens in the age of ubiquitous data (NWO, VICI-subsidie) (projectleider) (2014-2019)
Public-private actions against botnets: establishing the legal boundaries (BotLeg) (NWO/Cybersecurity) (projectleider) (2014-2018)
Past projects
•Decryption order and art. 6 ECHR (WODC), 2012
•Cloud computing: consequences for criminal investigation (WODC)
•RoboLaw (EU / FP7), 2012-2015
•VIRTUOSO - open-source intelligence (EU / FP7), 2009-2013
•Privacy assessment open-source intelligence (NCTb), 2011-12
•Lawful ICT operations. Guidelines for higher education institutions (SURF), 2010
•Market forces in forensics (WODC), 2009-10
•Digital files in criminal cases (Openbaar Ministerie), 2009
•Privacy assessment of smart metering (Consumentenbond), 2008
•Notice & Takedown and Art. 54a Dutch Criminal Code (NICC), 2007
•Comparative survey of digital fundamental rights (Ministerie BZK), 2006-07
•Human Enhancement (De Jonge Akademie en CSG), 2006-08
•Personal Characteristics in DNA forensics (NWO/MCG), 2004-06
•Security and privacy in 2030: two scenarios (Ministerie BZK), 2004-05
•Evaluation of Interceptability Legislation (Ministerie EZ), 2004-05
•FIDIS, Future of Identity in the Information Society (EU/FP6), 2004-09
•Law, technology, and shifting power relations (NWO/MaGW VIDI-subsidie), 2004-09
•Body, home and criminal investigation: new privacy threats in ICT? (NWO/ITeR), 2002-04
•ICT-benchmark, pillar Regulation (Ministerie EZ), 2002
•Internationalisation and jurisdiction (NWO/ITeR), 2001-05
•Where criminali investigation and privacy meet: the influence of ICT(NWO/MaGW persoonlijke postdoc-subsidie), 2000-02
•Internationalisation, jurisdiction and ICT law (WODC/NWO-ITeR), 2000
•Privacy views of citizens (NWO/ITeR), 2000-01
•A duty to decrypt for suspects (NWO/ITeR), 1999
•Comparative legal analysis of fundamental rights in the digital age (Ministerie van Justitie, Commissie-GDT), 1999-2000
Bert-Jaap Koops researches the interaction between technology and law, in particular criminal law and regulation issues. His main research fields are cybercrime, cyber-investigation, privacy, and data protection. He is also interested in topics such as DNA forensics, identity, digital constitutional rights, 'code as law', and regulatory implications of human enhancement, genetics, robotics, and neuroscience. In the 2016/2017 academic year, he is Distinguished Lorentz Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Science (NIAS) and Lorentz Center.
With a personal postdoc (1999), VIDI (2003) and VICI (2014) grant, Koops is one of the few Dutch researchers who received all three stages of NWO's (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) personal research-grant scheme.
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