
I aim to identify explanatory benchmarks and modalities for providing rights relevant understanding of data driven technologies and their applications to laymen users. In particular, I focus on automated decision making processes. With privacy at the core, my interests more broadly concern humans and technology, their mutual shaping and how this effects our understanding of human rights protections. I have professional and research experience in fields where technology supports human interaction and where humans interact with machines.

In dumber times, the transformation of citizens' reality to their administrative truth already proved to be a tricky process.

Personal website:


"Nothing comes between my robot and me" - co-author, Conference proceedings CPDP 2018, Hart Publishing (forthcoming)

The handbook of privacy studies: An interdisciplinary introductionde Groot, A. (ed.) & van der Sloot, B. (ed.), Oct 2018, Amsterdam University Press. 456 p.

Introductionvan der Sloot, B. & de Groot, A., 2018, Handbook of privacy studies. van der Sloot, B. & de Groot, A. (eds.). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, p. 7-20 14 p.

Nothing comes between my robot and me: Privacy and human-robot interaction in robotised healthcareFosch Villaronga, E., Felzmann, H., Pierce, Conca, Groot, A., Robins, S. & Ponce Del Castillo, A., 13 Dec 2018, Data protection and privacy: The internet of bodies . Leenes, R., van Brakel, R., Gutwirth, S. & de Hert, P. (eds.). 1 ed. Hart Publishing, p. 135-170 36 p. (Computers, Privacy and Data Protection ).



