Raphaël Gellert is an assistant professor in private law and ICT at the Radboud University Nijmegen, where he is a member of the law faculty and of the interdisciplinary research hub on Security, Privacy, and Data Governance (iHub). He is also an affiliated research at the interdisciplinary Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Personal website: https://www.ru.nl/english/people/gellert-r/
Door-to-door preaching by Jehovah's Witnesses community falls under data protection lawGellert, R., 2018, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 4, 3, p. 391-395 5 p.
European Union: EDPB opinion on the draft lists of competent supervisory authorities regarding the processing operations subject to DPIAsGellert, R., Nov 2018, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 4, 4, p. 500-504 5 p.
Smartphones for refugees: Tools for survival, or surveillanceGabrielsen Jumbert, M., Bellanova, R. & Gellert, R., 2018, PRIO Policy Brief.
Towards a holistic regulatory approach for the European data economy: Why the illusive notion of non-personal data is counterproductive to data innovationGraef, I., Gellert, R. & Husovec, M., 2018, 28 ed., 18 p. (TILEC Discussion Paper Series; vol. 2018, no. 29).
Understanding the notion of risk in the General Data Protection RegulationGellert, R., Apr 2018, In : Computer Law and Security Review. 34, 2, p. 279-288 10 p.
Analyse d’impact relative à la protection des données dans l’Union européenne: Une protection des personnes plus solide en complétant le nouveau cadre juridiqueKloza, D., van Dijk, N., Gellert, R., Böröcz, I., Tanas, A., Mantovani, E. & Quinn, P., 2017, 8 p.
Data protection impact assessments in the European Union: Complementing the new legal framework towards a more robust protection of individualsKloza, D., van Dijk, N., Gellert, R., Böröcz, I., Tanas, A., Mantovani, E. & Quinn, P., 2017, 4 p. d.pia.lab Policy Brief.
On risk, balancing, and data protection: A response to van der SlootGellert, R., 2017, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 3, 2, p. 180-186 7 p.
The article 29 working party’s provisional guidelines on data protection impact assessmentGellert, R., 2017, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 3, 2, p. 212-217 6 p.
Understanding the risk based approach to data protection: An analysis of the links between law, regulation, and riskGellert, R., 2017, 326 p.
Why the GDPR risk-based approach is about compliance risk, and why it's not a bad thingGellert, R., 2017, Trends und Communities der Rechtsinformatik - Trends and communities of legal informatics : Tagungsband des 20. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions - IRIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 20th International Legal Informatics Symposium. Erich, S., Kummer, F. & Sorge, C. (eds.). Austrian Computer Society (OCG), p. 527-532 6 p.
A risk to a right: Beyond data protection risk assessmentsvan Dijk, N., Gellert, R. & Rommetveit, K., 2016, In : Computer Law and Security Review. 32, 2, p. 286-306 21 p.
Redefining the smart grids’ smartness. Or why it is impossible to adequately address their risks to privacy and data protection if their environmental dimension is overlookedGellert, R., 2016, In : Journal of Law, Information and Science. 24, 1, 22 p.
We have always managed risks in data protection law: Understanding the similarities and differences between the rights-based and the risk-based approaches to data protectionGellert, R., 2016, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 2, 4, p. 481-492 12 p.
A risk to a right: Beyond data protection risk assessmentsvan Dijk, N., Gellert, R. & Rommetveit, K., 2016, In : Computer Law and Security Review. 32, 2, p. 286-306 21 p.
Gellert Raphaël Maurice (2016) Redefining the smart grids’ smartness. Or why it is impossible to adequately address their risks to privacy and data protection if their environmental dimension is overlooked. Journal of Law, Information & Science (1) 24(1).
Gellert Raphaël Maurice (2015) Understanding data protection as risk regulation. Journal of Internet Law (11) 18(11): 3-15.
Van Dijk Niels, Gellert Raphaël Maurice, Rommetveit Kjetil (2015) A risk to a right? Beyond data protection risk assessments. Computer Law & Security Review: 1-21.
Van Dijk Niels, Rommetveit Kjetil, Gellert Raphaël Maurice, Gutwirth Serge, Hildebrandt Mireille, Strand Roger, Wynne Brian, Gunnarsdóttir Kristrun, Guimarães Pereira Ângela, Tallacchini Mariachiara (2015) A Risk to a Right? Cross-Cutting Lessons for Data Protection Impact Assessments. EPINET.
Van Dijk Niels, Rommetveit Kjetil, Gellert Raphaël Maurice, Gutwirth Serge, Hildebrandt Mireille, Strand Roger, Wynne Brian, Gunnarsdóttir Kristrun, Guimarães Pereira Ângela, Tallacchini Mariachiara (2015) Cross-Cutting Lessons for Data Protection Impact Assessments. EPINET.
Wright David, Friedewald M., Gellert Raphaël Maurice (2015) Developing and testing a surveillance impact assessment methodology. International Data Privacy Law (1) 5(1): 40-53.