Between freedom and regulation: Investigating community standards for enhancing scientific robustness of Citizen ScienceBerti Suman, A., 2019, Regulating new technologies in uncertain time. Reins, L. (ed.). T.M.C. Asser Press, p. 31-46 16 p.(Information Technology and Law Series; vol. 2019, no. 32).
Il caso "The People v. Arctic Oil" e relative considerazioni sugli impatti climatici ‘a valle’ nella VIABerti Suman, A., 2019, In : Ambiente & Sviluppo. 2019, 6, p. 466-472 7 p.
Not just noise monitoring: Rethinking citizen sensing for risk-related problem-solvingBerti Suman, A. & Van Geenhuizen, M., 2019, In : Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2019, p. 1-23 23 p.
The internet of humans (IoH): Human rights and co-governance to achieve tech justice in the cityIaione, C., De Nictolis, E. & Berti Suman, A., Jan 2019, (Accepted/In press) In : Law and Ethics of Human Rights.
The role of information in multilateral governance of environmental health risk: Lessons from the Equatorial Asian haze caseBerti Suman, A., 2019, In : Journal of Risk Research. Special Issue on Multilateral Governance of Technological Risk, p. 1-1717 p.
Bilateral treaties and corporate impunity: The recent developments of the Chevron Ecuador case before the Permanent Court of ArbitrationBerti Suman, A., Nov 2018
Challenges for citizen science and the EU open science agenda under the GDPRBerti Suman, A. & Pierce, R., 2018, In : European Data Protection Law Review. 4, 3, p. 284-295 12 p.
Challenging risk governance patterns through citizen sensing: The Schiphol airport caseBerti Suman, A., 2018, In : International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 32, 1
Civic resistance to environmental failures from the South (of the North…): The AnalyzeBasilicata initiative”Berti Suman, A., Dec 2018
La partecipazione cittadina nel monitoraggio dell’inquinamento acustico da espansione aeroportuale: Il caso di Amsterdam SchipholBerti Suman, A., 2018, In : Ambiente & Sviluppo. 2018, 4, p. 240-245 6 p.
Multilateral perspectives concerning the rights to water and corporate social responsibilityBerti Suman, A., May 2018, Advances in environmental research. Nova Science Publishers Inc, Vol. 62. p. 255-266 12 p.(Advances in Environmental Research; vol. 62).
Samantha Adams festschrift: The dot at the end of the funnel-TILT remembers Samantha AdamsPierce, R., Berti Suman, A., Koops, B-J. & Leenes, R., 2018, In : Applied Clinical Informatics. 9, 3, p. 490-492 3 p.
The human right to water in Latin America: Challenges to implementation and contribution to the conceptBerti Suman, A., 2018, In : Brill Research Perspectives in International Water Law. 3, 2, p. 1-94 94 p.
The smart transition: An opportunity for a sensor-based public-health risk governanceBerti Suman, A., 2018, In : International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 2018, p. 1-18 18 p.
The SuizAgua project: An innovative strategy to overcome conflicts on water governanceBerti Suman, A., 2018, Advances in environmental research. Daniels, J. A. (ed.). Nova Science Publishers Inc, Vol. 62. p. 1-40 40 p. (Advances in Environmental Research; vol. 62).
The value of a human rights-based approach to the climate change mitigation policyBerti Suman, A. & Sani Usman, H., 2018, (Accepted/In press) Advances in Environmental Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc, Vol. 63. (Advances in Environmental Research; vol. 63).
Citizen Sensing for a co-governance of the risk: The Fukushima Safecast caseBerti Suman, A., 2017
How data activists foster map-based accountability for environmental health risks in Southeast AsiaBerti Suman, A., 2017
Human rights violations in the ChevronTexaco case, Ecuador: Cultural genocideBerti Suman, A., 2017, In : Global Campus Human Rights Journal. 1, 2, p. 259-286
In search for the value of connectivity - Accountable citizens fostering accountable governance via connectivity: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Vancouver, 4-7 April, 2017Berti Suman, A., 2017, IEEE Xplore. IEEE
Berti Suman A., Towards a map-based accountability for environmental health risk? The case of the Equatorial Asian Haze, published in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics, ?Managing Risk In the Digital Society?, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 29-30 June, 2017.
Berti Suman A., El uso de drones para informar decisiones políticas sobre la calidad del agua, número 46, Carta Circular de Recursos Hídricos, CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, June 2017.
Berti Suman A., In Search for the Value of Connectivity: Accountable Citizens Fostering Accountable Governance via Connectivity, published in: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Vancouver, 4-7 April, 2017.
Berti Suman A., A universal obligation of enforcing environmental justice? The Chevron-Texaco case as an example of the actual system's failure, Environmental Law Blog, Tilburg University, Tilburg, December 2016.
Berti Suman A., The Canadian ruling: towards a global enforceability of environmental justice in Our Lands, our rights, Cultural Survival Quarterly, June 2016.
Berti Suman A., Dal Canada semaforo verde per le vittime di Chevron: la lotta per l'Amazzonia Ecuadoriana continua, Global Environmental Justice Network; and Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali; and FOCSIV; November 2015.
Berti Suman A., Presupuesto participativo en agua y saneamiento: una oportunidad para los usuarios, número 43, Carta Circular de Recursos Hídricos, CEPAL, Santiago de Chile, July 2015.
Berti Suman A., The SuizAgua Project, an innovative compromise for Water Management, Fundación Chile - División Agua y Medio Ambiente, Santiago de Chile, January 2015.
Conference papers:
Berti Suman A., In search for the value of connectivity: IoT for a smart and accountable governance of environmental health challenges, presented at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2017) - Workshop on Legal and Technical challenges of Cloud computing and IoT, Vancouver, Canada.
Berti Suman A., Enabling accountability for Environmental Health Risk in the Digital Society, presented at the Lorentz Center Workshop ''Multilateral Governance of Technological Risks", May 2017, Leiden, The Netherlands, and at the 13th International Conference on Internet, Law & Politics 2017, School of Law and Political Science of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Berti Suman A., Connectivity for citizens? education and awareness: the case of Citizen Science, presented at BILETA 2017, Braga, Portugal.
Presentations and invited lectures:
Book review: response on the book "CyberGenetics: Health genetics and new media" by Harris, Kelly and Wyatt, Amsterdam Philosophy Encounters Science & Society, May 2017.
Conference presentation: Democratic governance of public health challenges via health data sharing: an opportunity for the citizens?, TILTing 2017, Tilburg University (NL), May 2017.
Conference presentation: The potential of data science for connecting the urban and the rural contexts, The Rural Summit 2017, the Intelligent Community Forum - Brainport, Eindhoven (NL), March 2017.
Seminar: Chevron-Texaco Case: the Amazon Chernobyl, Tilburg University, European and
International Public Law Department, Tilburg (NL), November 2016.
Workshop: Fitorremediación, una alternativa para la remediación de suelos contaminados con
petróleo, Taller de Biorremediación, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, El Coca (EC), June 2016.
Presentation: La démocratie directe pour la défense de l?eau, bien commun, Séminaire de
démocratie directe comparée, University of Geneva, Geneva (CH), December 2013.
Conferences organization:
Conference Co-Organizer
TILTing Conference "Regulating a connected World", Tilburg University, Tilburg (NL), 2017.
Symposium Co-Organizer
Symposium "Reconstrucción socio-ecologica en el Norte de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana", Universidad
San Francisco de Quito, El Coca (EC), 2016.
PhD Council Board Member as Policy Advisor for Education and Sustainability, 2017 - Present.
IEEE General Member, and specific membership of IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology and of IEEE Computer Society (International), 2017 - Present.
CoRenewal, for oil bioremediation (USA), 2016 - Present
Member of the Board.
Environmental Justice Network (IT), 2015 - Present
Editor and member.
Geneva Association of Comparative and Transnational Law (CH), 2015 - Present
Contributing Member.
Grant Researcher “Master Thesis Abroad” (September 2014 - January 2015)
Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (Chile)
Distinguished Scholar Grant (2012 - 2016)
AlmaViva, Rome (Italy)
Anna Berti Suman is a PhD researcher at Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society. Her PhD project aims to investigate how the increasing connectivity between the (smart) city apparatus and the citizen's body affects citizens' participation in the governance of environmental health challenges. Her thesis also explores the guarantees for ensuring that the incorporation of IoT in the city and in the citizen’s body does not result in an excessive control of the state on individuals, leading to a breach of citizens’ decisional privacy, masked under a good cause.
Anna has a background in Law from the University of Bologna (BA, MA, cum laude) and Transnational Law from the University of Geneva. Her specializations are Health Law and Technology, Environmental Law, and Sustainable Innovation.
Personal website: