Van der Sloot

Bart van der Sloot specializes in the area of Privacy and Big Data. He also publishes regularly on the liability of Internet Intermediaries, data protection and internet regulation. Key issues are the recently adopted General Data Protection Regulation, international data flows, especially between Europe and the United States, and data leaks.

Bart van der Sloot has studied philosophy and law in the Netherlands and Italy and has also successfully completed the Honours Programme of the Radboud University. He currently works at the the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society of the University of Tilburg, Netherlands.

Personal website:



- B. van der Sloot & A. de Groot (eds.), 'Handbook of Privacy Studies', Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, 'Big Data', Elementaire deeltjes, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, 'De Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming in gewonemensentaal', Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as virtue’, Intersentia, Cambridge, 2017.

-  L. Taylor, L. Floridi & B. van der Sloot (eds.), ‘Group Privacy’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.

- B. van der Sloot & D. Broeders & E. Schrijvers (eds.), ‘Exploring the boundaries of Big Data’, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2016.

- WRR, ‘Big Data in een vrije en veilige samenleving’, WRR-rapport, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2016, pp 172.

- N. Helberger, L. Guibault, M.B.M. Loos, C. Mak, L. Pessers & B. van der Sloot, ‘Digital Consumers and the Law: Towards a Cohesive European Framework’, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2012, pp 304.

Book chapters

- S. Adams, K. e Silva, B-J Koops & B. van der Sloot, ‘The Regulation of Botnets: How does cybersecurity Governance Theory Work When Everyone is a Stakeholder?’, in: Ryan Ellis and Vivek Mohan  ‘Rewired: Cybersecurity Governance’, Willey, 2019.

- B. van der Sloot, 'Beyond the Access-Use Debate', in: Goslinga et al. (eds), 'Tax and Trust', Eleven International Publishing, 2018.

- B. van der Sloot & A. De Groot, 'Introduction', in: B. van der Sloot & A. de Groot (eds.), 'Handbook of Privacy Studies', Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, 'Privacy from a legal perspective', in: B. van der Sloot & A. de Groot (eds.), 'Handbook of Privacy Studies', Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as secondary rule’, in: M. Dehmer & F. Emmert-Streib, ‘Frontiers in Data Science’, CRC Press, 2017.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Legal fundamentalism: is data protection really a fundamental right?’, In: R. Leenes, S. Gutwirth, P. De Hert & R. van Brakel, (eds.),  ‘Data Protection and Privacy: (In)visibilities and Infrastructure’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.

- L. Taylor, L. Floridi & B. van der Sloot, ‘Introduction’, IN: L. Taylor, L. Floridi & B. van der Sloot (eds.), ‘Group Privacy’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Do groups have a right to privacy and should they?’, IN: L. Taylor, L. Floridi & B. van der Sloot (eds.), ‘Group Privacy’, Springer,

   Dordrecht, 2017.

- L. Taylor, B. van der Sloot & L. Floridi, ‘Conclusion’, IN: L. Taylor, L. Floridi & B. van der Sloot (eds.), ‘Group Privacy’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as a tactic of norm evasion, or why the question as to the value of privacy is fruitless’, in: L. Janssens (ed.), ‘Metaethics and

   privacy’, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2017, p. 121-125.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as virtue: searching for a new privacy paradigm in the age of Big Data’, IN: E. Beyvers, P. Helm, M. Hennig, C. Keckeis, I.

   Kreknin & F. Püschel (eds.), ‘Räume und Kulturen des Privaten’, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘The Individual in the Big Data Era: Moving towards an Agent-Based Privacy Paradigm’, IN: B. van der Sloot & D. Broeders & E.   

  Schrijvers (eds.), ‘Exploring the boundaries of Big Data’, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2016, pp. 177-203.

- B. van der Sloot, D. Broeders & E. Schrijvers, ‘Introduction: Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data’, IN: B. van der Sloot & D. Broeders & E. Schrijvers

  (eds.), ‘Exploring the boundaries of Big Data’, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2016, pp. 11-23.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Is the Human Rights Framework Still Fit for the Big Data Era? A Discussion of the ECtHR’s Case Law on Privacy Violations Arising

  from Surveillance Activities’, IN: S. Gutwirth, R. Leenes & P. De Hert (eds.), ‘Data Protection on the Move’, Springer, Dordrecht, 2016, pp 411-436.

- B. van der Sloot & L. van Keller, ‘Legal Regulation of media agencies in the Netherlands’. In: J. G. Gaedertz, M. Martinek &  S. Ory (eds.), ‘Handbuch Mediaagenturen  – Aufgabenfelder, Geschäftsmodelle, Vertrags- und Wettbewerbsrecht,Verlag C.H. Beck oHG, Munchen, 2016, pp 457-480. 

- B. van der Sloot, ‘From Data Minimization to Data Minimummization’, In: B. Custers, T. Calders, B. Schermer & T. Zarsky (eds.), ‘Discrimination and Privacy in the Information Society’, Springer, Heidelberg 2013, p. 273-287.

- B. van der Sloot & F. Zuiderveen Borgesius, ‘Google and personal data protection’, In: A. Lopez-Tarruella (Ed.), ‘Google and the law: empirical approaches to legal aspects of knowledge-economy business models’, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012, pp 75-113.


Reports for the Dutch government, the European Commission and others

- B. van der Sloot & S. van Schendel, 'De Modernisering van het Nederlands Procesrecht in het licht van Big Data: Procedurele waarborgen en een goede toegang tot het recht als randvoorwaarden voor een data-gedreven samenleving', WODC 2019. 

- R. Leenes et al., 'Micromole D8.4', European Commission, 2018.

- E.J. Koops et al., 'Micromole D8.3', European Commission, 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, M. Paun, R. Leenes, P. McNally & P. Ypma, ‘Final Report Anti-Doping’, European Commission, 2017.

- B. van der Sloot, M. Paun, R. Leenes, P. McNally & P. Ypma, ‘Inception Report Anti-Doping’, European Commission, 2016.

- B. van der Sloot & S. van Schendel, ‘International and comparative legal study on Big Data’, WRR-rapport, working paper 20, 2016.

- C. Dos Santos, E. Bassi, C. de Terwagne, M. Fernádez Salmerón, P. Tepina & B. van der Sloot, ‘LAPSI Policy Recommendation n. 4: Privacy and Personal Data Protection’, Lapsi Recommendation, 2013

- N. Helberger, T. McGonagle, B. van der Sloot & J. Esmeijer, O. Nieuwenhuis, C. Mijs, E. van der Broek, C. Versloot ‘Making User Created News Work’, TNO report, 2012

- J. Poort, I. Akker, N. van Eijk, B. van der Sloot & P. Rutten, ‘Digitally binding: examining the feasibility of charging a fixed price for e-books’, SEO report, no 2011-55, 2012

- M. van Eechoud, S. van Gompel, L. Guibault, B. van der Sloot & B. Hugenholtz, ‘Questionnaire - boundaries and interfaces: answers by the Dutch ALAI group’, ALAI National Reprot, 2011

- M. Antic, A. Lagemaat, B. van der Sloot, M. van Stekelenburg & J. Kabel, ‘LIDC Congress in Oxford 2011, 22-24 September 2011: question B: To what extent should on-line intermediaries (such as ISPs and operators of online market places) be responsible for the control or prohibition of unfair competitive practices (in particular sales of products contrary to the law) carried out on their systems?’ Dutch national report. [S.l.]: International League of Competition Law, 2011

- J. Poort, I. Akker, N. van Eijk, B. van der Sloot & P. Rutten, ‘Digitaal gebonden: onderzoek naar de functionaliteit van een vaste prijs voor het e-boek’, SEO-rapport, no 2011-55

- M.B.M. Loos, N. Helberger, L. Guibault, C. Mak, L. Pessers, K.J. Cseres, Bart van der Sloot, & R. Tigner, ‘Analysis of the applicable legal frameworks and suggestions for the contours of a model system of consumer protection in relation to digital content contracts. Final report, comparative analysis, law & economics analysis, assessment and development of recommendations for possible future rules on digital content contracts’ Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, 2011

- M.B.M. Loos, N. Helberger, L. Guibault, C. Mak, L. Pessers, K.J. Cseres, Bart van der Sloot, & R. Tigner, ‘Digital content services for consumers: Comparative analysis of the applicable legal frameworks and suggestions for the contours of a model system of consumer protection in relation to digital content  Report 1: Country reports’, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL) & Institute for Information Law (IViR), 2011

- A. Leurdijk, O. Nieuwenhuis, T. Bachet, P. Nooren, N. van Eijk & B. van der Sloot ‘Audiovisuele mediadistributie, bottlenecks en beleid: agenderende studie naar potentiële bottlenecks voor distributie van televisie en audiovisuele content en beleidsopties’, TNO-rapport, no 35587, 2011

- L. Kool, A. van der Plas, N. van Eijk, N. Helberger & B. van der Sloot, ‘A bite too big: dilemma's bij de implementatie van de Cookiewet in Nederland’, TNO rapport 35473 , 2011

- N. van Eijk & B. van der Sloot, ‘How television went digital in the Netherlands’, Mapping digital media, Reference series, no 11, 2011, Londen, Open Society Foundations, p. 1-20.


Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals (English)

- C. Hoofnagle, B. van der Sloot & F. Zuiderveen Borgesius, 'The European Union general data protection regulation: what it is and what it means', Information & Communications Technology Law, 2019.

- B. van der Sloot, 'Legal consistency after the General Data Protection Regulation and the Police Directive', European Journal of  Law and Technology, 2019.

- B. van der Sloot, 'A new approach to the right to privacy, or how the European Court of Human Rights embraced the non-domination principle', Computer Law & Security Review, 2018.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Where is the harm in a privacy violation? Calculating the damages afforded in privacy cases by the European Court of Human Rights’, JIPITEC, 2017-4.

- B. van der Sloot, 'Decisional privacy 2.0: the procedural requirements implicit in Article 8 ECHR and its potential impact on profiling', International Data Privacy Law, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1 August 2017.

- M. Mostert, A. L. Bredenoord, B. van der Sloot and J.J.M. van Delden, ‘From Privacy to Data Protection in the EU: Implications for Big Data Health Research’, European Journal of Health Law, 2017.

- D. Broeders, E. Schrijvers, E. Hirsch Ballin, B. van der Sloot & R. van Brakel, ‘Big Data and Security Policies: towards a framework for regulating the phases of analytics and use of Big Data’, Computer Law and Security Review, 2017. 

- B. van der Sloot & S. van Schendel, ‘Ten questions for future regulation of Big Data: a comparative and empirical legal study’, JIPITEC 2016-2.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘The Practical and Theoretical Problems with ‘balancing’: Delfi, Coty and the redundancy of the human rights framework’, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2016, 3.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Welcome to the Jungle: the Liability of Internet Intermediaries for Privacy Violations in Europe’, JIPITEC, 2015-3, p. 211-228.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘How to assess privacy violations in the age of Big Data? Analysing the three different tests developed by the ECtHR and adding for a fourth one’, Information & Communication Technology Law, 2015-1, p. 74-103.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as personality right: why the ECtHR’s focus on ulterior interests might prove indispensable in the age of Big Data’, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 2015-80, p. 25-50.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Do privacy and data protection rules apply to legal persons and should they? A proposal for a two-tiered system, The Computer Law & Security Review, 2015-1, p. 26-45.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy as human flourishing: could a shift towards virtue ethics strengthen privacy protection in the age of Big Data?’, JIPITEC, 2014-3, p. 230-244.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Between fact and fiction: an analysis of the case law on article 12 ECHR’, Child and Family Law, 2014-4, p. 397-420.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Do data protection rules protect the individual and should they? An assessment of the proposed General Data Protection Regulation’,International Data Privacy Law, 2014-3, p. 307-325.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Privacy in the Post-NSA Era: Time for a Fundamental Revision?’, JIPITEC, 2014-1, p. 1-11.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Is all fair in love and war? An analysis of the case law on Article 15 ECHR’, Military Law and the Law of War Review, 2014-2, p. 319-358.

- N. van Eijk, N. Helberger, L. Kool, A. van der Plas & B. van der Sloot, ‘Online tracking: questioning the power of informed consent’, Info, 14 2012 (5), p. 57-73.

- N. van Eijk & B. van der Sloot, ‘Must-carry regulation: a must or a burden?’. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Must-carry: renaissance or reformation?, IRIS plus, 2012-5, p. 7-23.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Due prominence in Electronic Programme Guides’. In S. Nikoltchev (Ed.), Must-carry: renaissance or reformation?, IRIS plus, 2012-5, p. 1-8.

- B. van der Sloot & F. J. Zuiderveen Borgesius, ‘Google's dead end, or: on Street View and the right to data protection: an analysis of Google Street View's compatibility with EU data protection law’, Computer Law Review International (CRI), 13 2012 (4), p. 103-109.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Walking a thin line: the regulation of EPGs’, JIPITEC, 3 2012 (2), p. 138-147.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Public sector information & data protection: a plea for personal privacy settings for the re-use of PSI’, Informatica e Diritto, 2011(1-2), p. 219-236.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘Virtual identity and virtual privacy: towards a concept of regulation by analogy’, eGov Präsenz, 2011(1), p. 41-43.

- B. van der Sloot, ‘On the fabrication of sausages, or of open government and private data’, eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, 3 2011 (2), p. 1-16.


Keynotes and invited lectures at public events

Data Protection & Anti-Doping, Lausanne, 15 March 2019.

- 'Privacy as the right to be let alone by yourself', Columbus Ohio, 7 November 2018.

'Privacy', Big Data bij fraude en criminaliteitsbestrijding, Breukelen, 24 mei 2018.

'De (privacy) grenzen van gegevensuitwisseling binnen het verzekeringsdomein', NVGA congres 2018, Utrecht, 18 April 2018.

- 'Privacy & Big DAta', Pinkweb, Barneveld,  30 November 2017.

- 'Privacy and data protection in Digital Health', Frontiers of Healht, Berlin, 16 November 2017.

'Belang van privacy en de AVG', Platfrom 31, Utrecht, 14 november 2017.

- 'De AVG: plichten boven rechten', Oracle, Amsterdam 8 november 2017.

Mass surveillance en mensenrechten, Mensenrechten Meet Up, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam 16 October 2017.

‘Privacy en openbaarheid’, AVAnet, Hilversum, 19 May 2017.

‘Big Data, privacy en de woningsector’, Kennisplatform Corpovenista, Utrecht, 13 April, 2017.

- ‘GDPR: European or global standard?’, Digital Single Market Conference, Modena, 02 December 2016.

- ‘Toekomstbestendig gebruik van Big Data’, RIEC/LIEC conference, 29 Ocotber, 2015.

- ‘Big Data, Open Data en Privacy’, Data en privacy: op zoek naar wat wél werkt!, Amsterdam, 19 March 2015.

- ‘Welcome tot he Jungle’, Beveiligingsconferentie SURFcert & SURFibo, Maastricht, 13 February 2015.

‘Gij zult openbaren: privacy en de open overheid’, Big data ethiek – Privacy in het Domein, Amsterdam, 06 November 2014.

- ‘Op zoek naar utopia: privacy in het post-NSA tijdperk’, Spui25, Amsterdam, 10 April 2014.

‘Google Street View and Privacy’, Privacy Symposium, Leuven, 27 March 2013.

- ‘Street view and object identification’, COGNIMUND Conference: Object Identification, Leuven, 20 April 2012.

- 'PSI-Personal Privacy settings’, LAPSI, Re-use of PSI conference, Brussels, 23 January, 2012.

‘The re-use of Public Sector Information in the light of the Data Protection Directive’, LAPSI Conference, Munster, 2011.

‘Internet en Privacy’, Nationale dag voor de Sociologie, Utrecht, 2011.

Invited lectures at seminars and symposia

- 'Big Data, Open Data & Privacy', Kamer van Koophandel, Amsterdam, 26 March 2019.

'Privacy en veiligheid', FEC, Amsterdam, 12 November 2018.

'Uitwisselen van gegevens', Financiële nieuwspoort, Den Haag, 11 October 2018.

-  'Cyber Privacy', Leiderschap bij digitale transformaties, Den Dolder, 13 April 2018.

'Open normen en de AVG', Privacy in het publieke domein, Leiden, 6 april 2018.

'Doping and Data Protection', Sofia, 24 Januari 2018.

- 'Toekomst van Privacybescherming', Raad van State, Den Haag, 10 October 2017.

'Privacy als deug', Financieel Expertise Centrum, Amsterdam, 9 October 2017.

'Big Data en Privacy', De Groenen, Brussel, 07 Juli 2017.

‘Big Data and the administration of justice’, ENCJ Digital Justice Seminar, Amsterdam, 31 March 2017.

‘Conventionaliteit en het EHRM als constitutionele rechter’, Amnesty International, Amsterdam, 23 March 2017.

- ‘Privacy and Conventionality’, seminar European Courts, New Technologies and Fundamental Rights, Athens, 09 December 2016.

‘Big Data & Privacy’, Ons Middelbaar Onderwijs, Tilburg, 04 October 2016.

‘Big Data en Privacy’, Prano Group, Woerden, 16 June 2016.

‘Hergebruik en Privacy’, Grenzeloos Hergebruik?, Den Haag, 04 June 2015.

‘Big Data in een veilige samenleving’, NJCM Big Data seminar, Den Haag, 26 May 2016.

- ‘Rechtsnormen en individuele rechten’, Rathenau Instituut, Den Haag, 12 May 2015.

‘Privacy en Veiligheid’, Studiedag Directie Constitutionele Zaken en Wetgeving, Gouda, 08 January 2015.

‘Privacy: Wat mag wel en wat mag niet?’, Privacy en Openbaarheid by design, Amsterdam, 25 November 2014.

- ‘Privacy and individual harm’, Amnesty International Symposium on Surveillance & Human Rights, Amsterdam, 29 October 2014.

‘Recht om vergeten te worden’, Atelier Documenteren van de Samenleving, Amsterdam, 25 September 2014.

‘Privacy in de medische sector’, Lunchlezing Huisartsen Leiden, Leiden, 02 April 2014.

‘Privacy in de medische sector’, LOVAH, Utrecht, 10 January 2014.

- ‘Privacy en de kunst cartografie’, De Nieuwsgierige Overheid, Den Haag, 13 September 2012.

‘Brein v. Ziggo en Xs4all’, Amsterdamse Innovatie Motor, Amsterdam, 07 February 2012.

- ‘Wikileaks: Klokkentoren, klokkenluider of Quasimodo?’, Wikileaks en mensenrechten, Den Haag, 21 January 2011.

‘De aansprakelijkheid van internet intermediairs’, Vereniging voor Reclamerecht, Amsterdam, 2011.


Editorial Positions with journals:

General editor of the European Data Protection Law review (EDPL), from 2015 onwards 

Associate editor (book reviews) of the European Data Protection Law review, from 2015 – 2016.

Board member of the European Human Rights Cases.

Editor Technology and Regulation