

Mattis van 't Schip

Keywords: Security; Internet of Things; Privacy; Law

Lisa Rooij

Keywords: cybersecurity, data protection, patching, IT law, supply chain cybersecurity

Dayana Spagnuelo

Keywords: Information Security, Data Protection, Transparency, Privacy-by-Design

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Brinda Badarinaht Hampiholi 

Keywords. eID systems,Attribute-based authentication, smart phones

Fabian Van den Broek

Keywords: security of wireless communication technologies

Katerina Demetzou

Keywords: Data Protection, Privacy and Fundamental Rights

Eelco Herder

Keywords: User Modeling, Privacy Engineering, Personalization, User Awareness

Mireille Hildebrandt

Keywords: data driven agency; profiling; rule of law;

Jaap-Henk Hoepman

Keywords: privacy enhancing protocols; privacy by design; security

Andrew Hoffman

Keywords: ethnography, knowledge representation, interoperability

Bart Jacobs

Keywords: theoretical and practical aspects of security; quantum logic

Tommy Koens 

Keywords: Cyber security; cryptography; privacy

Paulus Meessen

Keywords: Mathematics and Philosophy

Sietse Ringers

Keywords: cryptography; privacy-friendly identity management

Joeri de Ruiter

Keywords: security protocols,

automated analysis, formal verification

Tamar Sharon

Keywords: Philosophy of technology, digital health, the common good

Tim Walree

Keywords: data protection and liability law

Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius

Keywords: Computer law, privacy, data governance

Anna Berti Suman

Keywords: eHealth, smart city, decisional privacy, environmental health

Silvia De Conca

Keywords: Privacy, Data Protection, Robotics, AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, IoT, IT Law,

Lorenzo dalla Corte

Keywords: Privacy, data protection, open data, surveillance

Colette Cuijpers

Keywords: Privacy Law; e-commerce; e-government; liability;

Sebastian Dengler

Keywords: behavioral economics

experimental economics

industrial organization

Raphael Gellert

Keywords: data protection, risk, data protection impact assessments

Aviva de Groot

Keywords: privacy, human technology interaction, automated decision making

Shaz Jameson

Keywords: data governance, ethics, urban studies

Irene Kamara

Keywords: big data analytics; data protection; ict; liability law

Bert Jaap Koops

Keyword:. aftappen; bijzondere opsporingsmethoden; biometrie;

Eleni Kosta 

Keywords: Data protection; electronic communications; new technologies;

Tanya Krupiy  

Keywords: fairness, artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary

Ronald Leenes

Keywords: big data analytics; computer crime; nanotechnology 

Hellen Mukiri-Smith

Keywords: Commodification of data, ethics, human rights, development, political settlements

Nadezha Purtova

Keywords. data processing; data protection; human rights; privacy;

Mara Paun

Keywords: anti-doping; big data; personal data

Gabriela Bodea

Keywords: Privacy Impact Assessment, Privacy and Security by Design, privacy standardization

Jildau Bouman  

Keywords: eHealth, systems biology,

Digital Health, consumer data

Sterre den Breeijen 

Keywords: self-sovereign identity

Oskar van Deventer  

Keywords: blockchain networking and self-sovereign identity

Liisa Janssens

Keywords: algorithms, data profiling, probability analyses, freedom, meta-ethics, The Internet of Things

Rieks Joosten

Keywords: Identity- and Access Management; Risk management

Wessel Kraaij

Keywords: information filtering and aggregation; Information Foraging

Herman Pals

Keywords: data sharing, data protection, data spaces, digital identity, trustworthy AI

Alex Sangers

Keywords: multi-party computation, encryption, privacy enhancing technology

Tjerk Timan

Keywords: Science and technology studies, surveillance - privacy studies

Cor Veenman

Keywords: data science, artificial intelligence,l forensic science

Thijs Veugen

Keywords: applied cryptography, privacy-friendly identity management

Daniƫl Worm

Keywords: Multi-Party Computation, applied cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies

Claudia Quelle

Keywords: regulation; human rights; privacy; rule of law;

Sascha van Schendel

Keywords: Big Data, Regulation of governmental data analytics, Data Science

Ivan Skorvanek

Keywords: Privacy; security; duties of care

Bart van der Sloot

Keywords: Big Data, duties of care, data protection, privacy

Linnet Taylor

Keywords: Big DAta, ethics, internet, regulation, interdisciplinary

Bo Zhao

Keywords: Privacy and data protection, cybercrime and cybersecurity, comparative defamation law and Chinese law study