Van den Broek

Van den Broek is a Post Doc with the Open University of The Netherlands. As a guest researcher he is working in the digital security group at the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences of the Radboud university of Nijmegen.

His current research is mostly focussed on maturing the IRMA (I Reveal My Attributes) technology and is in part financed by the Privacy by Design Foundation. The IRMA technology offers a way to authenticate users based on a subset of their attributes, which results in a very flexible and privacy-friendly eco system.

Personal website:


IRMA: practical, decentralized and privacy-friendly identity management using smartphones

Gergely Alpár, Fabian van den Broek, Brinda Hampiholi, Bart Jacobs, Wouter Lueks and Sietse Ringers

HotPETs 2017, 10th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Minneapolis, USA 2017.

Mobile communication security

Doctoral thesis, 2016.

Securely derived identity credentials on smart phones via self-enrolment

Fabian van den Broek, Brinda Hampiholi and Bart Jacobs

STM2016, 12th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, Springer LNCS 9871, p.106-121, 2016.

Defeating IMSI Catchers [Proverif models]

Fabian van den Broek, Roel Verdult and Joeri de Ruiter

CCS 2015, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2015, 340-351, ACM, 2015.

Towards practical Attribute-Based Signatures

Brinda Hampiholi, Gergely Alpár, Fabian van den Broek and Bart Jacobs

SPACE 2015, Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography Engineering, pages 310-328. Springer, 2015.

Securing the information infrastructure for EV charging

Fabian van den Broek, Erik Poll and Bárbara Vieira

International Workshop on Communication Applications in Smart Grid (CASG 2015), LNICST volume 154, pages 61-74, Springer, 2015.

Digitale handtekeningen: nieuwe technologie en nieuwe wet- en regelgeving [addendum](article in Dutch)

Fabian van den Broek and Erik Poll

Privacy & Informatie, Nr. 1 17e jaargang, februari 2014

Security Testing of GSM Implementations

Fabian van den Broek, Brinio Hond and Arturo Cedillo Torres

ESSoS 2014, LNCS Volume 8364, 179-195, Springer, 2014.

Femtocell Security in Theory and Practice.

Fabian van den Broek and Ronny Wichers Schreur

NordSec 2013, LNCS Volume 8208, 183-198, Springer, 2013.

A comparison of time-memory trade-off attacks on stream ciphers

Fabian van den Broek and Erik Poll

AfricaCrypt, LNCS Volume 7918, 406-423, Springer, 2013.

Eavesdropping on GSM: state-of-affairs

5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security (WISSec 2010), November 2010

Risicoanalyse EPD-DigiD naar aanleiding van de A5/1 kwetsbaarheid in GSM

Fabian van den Broek, Adri de Bruijn, Erik Poll, Jeroen Prins, Eric Verheul and Otto Vermeulen

Report by PwC and the Radboud Universiteit for the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), 2010.

Poster GSM security: a state-of-affairs

STW.ICT conference 2010, Sentinels track, November 2010

Catching and Understanding GSM-signals

Master Thesis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Computing Science Department, March 2010


Mobile Communication Security, layman overview of PhD research, presented at PhD defence, December 2016

IMSI catching, presented at Black Hat Session, June 2016

Defeating IMSI catchers, presented at CCS 2015, October 2015

Femtocell Security in Theory and Practice, presented at NordSec 2013, October 2013

A comparison of time-memory trade-off attacks on stream ciphers, presented at AFRICACRYPT 2013 June 2013

GSM Security: Feit en Fictie(odp format), presented at NLUUG Najaarsconferentie 2010 Security and Privacy, November 2010

GSM Security: Fact and Fiction, presented at BruCON 2010, September 2010

Beveiliging van Mobiele Netwerken, aimed at highschool students presented at a CodeYard day. April 2010

Catching and Understanding GSM-Signals, Master thesis presentation, March 2010


Wisselend simkaartnummer voor veiligere verbinding (NEMO Kennislink, 15 December 2016)

Nijmeegse vinding tegen afluisteren van mobiel (De Gelderlander, woensdag 14 december 2016)

Nieuwe techniek geeft IMSI-catchers geen kans (WebWereld, 29 November 2016)

Wisselend simkaartnummer voor veiligere GSM (, 27 November 2016)

Nijmeegs onderzoek: wisselend simkaartnummer voor veilige GSM (De Gelderlander, 24 november 2016)

'Digitaal kattenkwaad' door scholieren, is de grens bereikt? (NOS, 16 November 2016)

My Generation-mobiele telefonie Hoe veilig is het? (Security Management, November 2016, nr. 11)

Uw mobieltje is af te luisteren (PC Active, februari 2011)

De zwevende kikker (De Gelderlander, 14/12/2010)

Radio interview on GSM eavesdropping (Omroep Gelderland, Vandaag de dag, 27/11/2010)

Enkele aanvullingen en correcties op in de media verschenen berichten over GSM.

Mobieltjes afluisteren moeilijker dan gedacht(, 26/11/2010)

Expert zone: Mobiele luistervinken (PC magazine, November 2010)

AIVD: hackers op het punt om codes gsm-verkeer te kraken (Volkskrant, 17/09/2010)

Voorlopig geen digitale inzage patiëntendossier (, 09/09/2010)

Risicoanalyse: SMS-authenticatie EPD is onveilig (Computable, 09/09/2010)

Mobiel geh@ckt (B4U, July 2010, nr. 61)

Kraak van GSM-encryptie raakt in zicht (Bits of Freedom, 05/01/2010)